
| 分类 技术随笔  | 标签 CAT 






A short communication between an installed program and the
manufacturer’s website. The program sends your serial number and a few
anonymous details about your computer. The website checks that you own a
license or that you are just starting a free trial, and returns a code
to authorize the program to run on your computer.

See also: [CAL license](#0140)
  1. 去掉开头和结尾都是-的行,使用以下表达式进行匹配


  2. Markdown的段落需要用两个换行进行区分,段落可以是一行或多行文字。用pandoc转换后的markdown,段落里有多行文字。而我打算用BasicCAT以txt形式打开markdown文件,所以得把段落中的换行替换掉,这个操作英文叫做reflow。

    1. 把连续的换行符换成一个标记


    2. 去掉所有换行符为空格。markdown中段落里的换行相当于空格,不替换单词间会缺少空格

    3. 把“段落标记”替换回两个换行

  3. 去掉锚点,把[activation]{#0010}改为### activation

    \[(.*?)\]\{#\d+\},替换为### \1

  4. 去掉链接,把[CAL license](#0140)改为CAL license



### activation

A short communication between an installed program and the manufacturer's website. The program sends your serial number and a few anonymous details about your computer. The website checks that you own a license or that you are just starting a free trial, and returns a code to authorize the program to run on your computer.

See also: CAL license

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