2014-02-20 | 分类 技术随笔 | 标签 经验 分享 Au3 最近用Au3写windows下的程序,想知道使用这个程序的人所在的地点,想到根据IP地址解析。目标是利用openshift上这个网站的接口,用AU3解析JSON来获取。 Google后到autoit论坛找到这个UDF结合帖子里Seeker大侠的补充实现了。 最终的代码: ;~ #noTrayIcon opt('mustDeclareVars',1) opt('trayIconDebug',1) #include "WinHttp2.au3" #include "JSON.au3" #include "JSON_Translate.au3" ; examples of translator functions, includes JSON_pack and JSON_unpack Func _JSONGet($json, $path, $seperator = ".") Local $seperatorPos,$current,$next,$l $seperatorPos = StringInStr($path, $seperator) If $seperatorPos > 0 Then $current = StringLeft($path, $seperatorPos - 1) $next = StringTrimLeft($path, $seperatorPos + StringLen($seperator) - 1) Else $current = $path $next = "" EndIf If _JSONIsObject($json) Then $l = UBound($json, 1) For $i = 0 To $l - 1 If $json[$i][0] == $current Then If $next == "" Then return $json[$i][1] Else return _JSONGet($json[$i][1], $next, $seperator) EndIf EndIf Next ElseIf IsArray($json) And UBound($json, 0) == 1 And UBound($json, 1) > $current Then If $next == "" Then return $json[$current] Else return _JSONGet($json[$current], $next, $seperator) EndIf EndIf return $_JSONNull EndFunc Global $sGet = HttpGet("https://ip-json.rhcloud.com/json") ;FileWrite("ip.json", $sGet) ;Local $data = FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\ip.json") MsgBox(0,"",$sGet) ;Local $s3='{"site": "http://ip-json.rhcloud.com", "city": "Wuxi", "region_name": "Jiangsu", "region": "04", "area_code": 0, "time_zone": "Asia/Shanghai", "longitude": 120.28859710693359, "metro_code": 0, "country_code3": "CHN", "latitude": 31.568899154663086, "postal_code": null, "dma_code": 0, "country_code": "CN", "country_name": "China", "q": ""}' Local $json=_JSONDecode($sGet) ;Local $json2=_JSONDecode($s3) ;query this object Local $city = _JSONGet($json, "city") Local $province = _JSONGet($json, "region_name") Local $timezone = _JSONGet($json2, "time_zone") msgbox(0,default,$city&$province&$timezone) CSDN上的大侠说到多一个逗号的问题:见此 上一篇 下一篇 Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.