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I 名词

  • 无生物主语

    例句:His work made it impossible for him to get home oftener than every other weekend.




  • raise one’s hand的复数问题

    一个人举手,举一只手:raise one’s hand

    一个人举手,举双手:raise one’s hands

    多个人举手,不管举双手还是单手:raise their hands


  • 名词表动作

    你不能再迟疑了。直接翻译成英文:You cannot hesitate any more. 但更常见的是No more hesitating for you.

  • 属格的主格作用和宾格作用

    那囚犯的处死引起了很大非议,翻译为The prisoner’s execution has caused a lot of public censure.存在歧义。不知道囚犯是执行死刑的人还是被执行的人。

    改为The execution of the prisoner has caused a lot of public censure.则没问题。


    They hurried to their father’s rescue. 他们赶紧去救父亲。


    Thanks to their father’s rescue, they could return home safe. 因为父亲的援救,他们得以平安无事地回家。

  • 抽象名词用作普通名词

    抽象名词,比如life、hope,一般在词典里显示mass noun和uncountable。当给它们加上冠词,或变成复数使用时,则变成了普通名词。就好像面向对象编程里的抽象的类可以有很多具体的实例。

    Life is pleasure. (抽象)

    Work is a pleasure to him. (普通)

    Friendship is the feelings and behaviour that exists between friends. (抽象)

    The two boys formed a deep and lasting friendship. (普通)

II 代名词

  • 不随便改变人称

    The “Instructions to Freshmen” pamphlet gives a person much good advice, but you can’t hope to correct all of your habits in one term.

    这里you对应的前面的a person,应该改为he,保持前后一致。

  • 指代错误

    Many of our most intelligent youth are not given a chance for an education which does not improve the quality of our voting citizency. 例句中的which应该指代前面一整句话,但这里指代的是education。可以在which前加个逗号改为非限制性定语从句。或者改成两句,后一句以Their illiteracy开头。

  • 明确交代所指对象

    At the warehouse we found a suitable table, although it would be two weeks before they could deliver it to us.

    这里的they没有指代清楚。可以采用被动语句进行忽略:… before it is delivered to us,或者交代清楚,比如说是staff。

  • 代名词的格

    我想那是他。可以被翻译为(a)I thought that it was he. 或者(b)I thought it to be him.


  • 代名词的顺序

    我和你应该翻译为You and me而不是I and you. 因为英文的习惯用法是先说别人再说自己。

III 形容词、副词

  • 做动词的补语,形容词的最高级可以省略。

    It is best to do so.

    This is the best book I’ve ever read.

  • 部分否定

    Both of them are not my brothers.

    Neither of them is my brother.


  • 两种形容词

    我们可以说This is a wooden house. 但不说This house is wooden. 但He is old. 和 He is an old man.是可以的。


    不过查询语料库可以看到be wooden还是有例句的,说明这样的规则也不是绝对的。

  • 名词作形容词

    英语可以用名词作形容词,丰富其表达。比如泰晤士报派专人到罗马担任通讯员。英文是Rome Correspondent,而不是Roman Correspondent。后者的意思可能会被以为是罗马人通讯员。

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